On a relentless quest to rid the world of frustratingly crap IT solutions. IT is supposed to be enjoyed and used to help organisations learn and improve, sadly, more often that not it restrains and inhibits, subsequently making things worse.

Having worked for years with various organisations that target employees to push customers to commit to a purchase regardless of the suitability of the product, it's refreshing to have the freedom to truly understand what matters to the customer and to deliver whatever is needed without restriction.

At Stock Right Now, I’ve directly witnessed the impact of stock management on overall success. Drawing from my previous role in sales for a manufacturing company, where stock shortages affected customer satisfaction, I now champion the importance of seamless operations and tailored solutions.


Began programming in 2002 and has been thinking up magical IT solutions ever since. Most developers are left in the dark with no real contact with the end customer. To understand their problems first hand enables us to deliver end user solutions.

Craig first got the programming bug during the 80s home computer revolution and since worked on a wide range of systems in areas such as utilities, finance, public sector and logistics. Craig can be easily bribed to do anything for coffee and biscuits.